Thursday, May 19, 2011

Oh Hey Blog! I wasn't tending to you... But here I am!

So it's been a while since I've posted anything. As far as what's going on in my life:

Me being an extra on Army Wives WILL HAPPEN next season! I am soooo excited. Catherine and Wendy have something set up for me :-)

I've been busy with Thirsty Thursdays at The Riverdogs! I get to throw out the first pitch each time and it's so fun. The first one was amazing, the second one, pretty decent but the third one, I actually stood on the mound and wow, I made it look special! :-)

Here's the second one:

I've been working a lot, meeting new people in the area, having a great time with my girls and dating too! Meeting some great guys and having fun while doing it! I'm figuring out what it is that I want and need :-) Which is pretty awesome cuz I thought I knew, but now I'm figuring it out for real.

What kind of guy does Kelly G like?
- First off, his profile pic better not be made in microsoft Paint, he's gotta know how to make a profile pic without having white space around it haha
- He better make me laugh and he better laugh at my little stupid jokes
- animal lover, but of dogs, if he owns a cat, sorry, not a fan, ask mike the guy :-)
- gotta be taller than me
- likes to have actual phone conversations, not just texting all the time even tho it can be easier sometimes
- adventurous and active, nothing like a kayak trip one evening, or a bike ride around town
- has a job they love
- supportive
- won't make fun of me for being obsessive about twitter and facebook lol
- understands my love for apple products
- athletic and loves sports and going to games
- likes to go to the BEACH!
that's all for now... let me know if you can think of any other important qualities haha

Kelly G

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